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The regular price for XX.XX bottle of Prostate 911™ is $120. However, because you made the cut to join the PhytAge Laboratories private test group, you will get XX.XX bottle of Prostate 911™ for $XX.XX. That’s a savings of $50. Better yet, to get our BEST DEAL, order XX.XX bottles and each bottle drops to just $XX.XX – that’s $80 off!
I’m Conrad, from Henderson, Nevada… not far from Las Vegas. I can’t believe how well Prostate 911™ worked for me. My PSA dropped from 2.9 to 1.5. I have totally normal urination during the day. And when my bladder is empty, I never feel there might be a chance I need to go again. Plus, my confidence is through the roof now that I’m able to get everything else back to normal. I told Customer Service to make sure the bottles keep coming each month because I never want to go back to the shame and misery I was living in. I would recommend Prostate 911™ to anyone.
So far so good. I'm in week two, and I'm noticing a positive difference over another brand. I read that I can expect even more improvement by the end of the first month. Smaller capsules as well, as an added bonus.
My prostate problem got so bad that I once ended up in the hospital. It was like a nightmare, with nurses painfully shoving catheters all around - just to draw out some urine. And still, no results. In fact, nothing I tried worked for me until I used this supplement. My prostate problems are so much better now, and it's great that my wife looks at me like a real man again. I mean it, thank you!
If you have bladder problems because of an enlarged prostate, you need to try Prostate 911™ immediately. My constant worry about being able to find a bathroom forced me to give up my love of travel. I suffered for almost 2 years before I found this all-natural formula. The part I’m happiest about is no longer feeling I have to go every 10 minutes. It feels AMAZING to enjoy life comfortably and worry-free again.